
如果沒有薪轉,還可以來當鋪借到錢嗎?  日友當鋪:絕對沒問題

如果沒有薪轉,還可以來當鋪借到錢嗎?  日友當鋪:絕對沒問題

要是沒有薪轉證明,還可以來台中當鋪辦理借款嗎?一般而言,提供薪轉證明到銀行辦理貸款,是有利於審核的條件,如沒有薪轉證明時,在貸款審核上會增加困難度,不過,日友 台中當鋪提供免保人、免薪轉、免留車亦可借款服務,借錢流程更是便利。

3C、潮物可以辦理典當借款  日友當鋪萬物皆可當

由傳統典當資訊可知,汽機車、黃金典當屬廣泛的借款業務,但本身無汽機車及黃金的客人,就可能沒辦法免留車及借款服務,在台中從事日友當鋪專員表示:公司了解大台中地區民眾消費基礎,強調在典當質押業務上,滿足所有客戶的借錢需求,除了基本汽機車借款 免留車、低息黃金典當之外,其他增加承辦業務:3C產品 (iPhone全系列、安卓手機、平板、筆記型電腦、桌上型電腦)、玩具 (GK模型公仔、球鞋球衣)、傳統藝品(萬能錫器、瑞興錫器、繡類、茄冬入上下桌)、電玩(PS5、SWITCH)、木雕、藝術品皆可辦理。


別讓借錢機會流失了 典當流程快速撥款

有不少民眾對於當鋪刻板印象,不知道萬物皆可辦理典當,可能會使借錢的機會白白給流失掉。台中 日友當鋪表示,典當本來就是只要有價值的質押品,就可以辦理典當借錢,典當期間為期三個月,期間內可贖回或者繳息展延,而且借錢流程快速便利,少了聯徵的紀錄、不用額外找尋保人、更無高利息的壓力、還款期限讓客戶安排規劃。




地址:407 台中市西屯區河南路二段126之1

電話:04 2299 1999

營業時間:9:00 – 19:30


If there is no salary transfer, can I still borrow money from the pawnshop? Ri You pawnshop: absolutely no problem

If I do not have a salary transfer certificate, can I still apply for a loan at a Taichung pawnshop? Generally speaking, providing a salary transfer certificate to the bank to apply for a loan is a condition conducive to review. If there is no salary transfer certificate, it will increase the difficulty of loan review. However, Taichung pawnshops provide cars for your use and allow you to apply for loans

Everything can be pawned

According to traditional pawn information, cars and locomotives and golden pawns belong to a wide range of loan businesses, but customers who do not own cars, locomotives and gold may not be able to leave the car and loan services for free.

An employee of a Taichung pawnshop said: The consumer group in Taichung emphasized that in the pawnshop, it can meet the borrowing needs of all customers. In addition to basic car and motorcycle loans, cars are free, and other businesses such as low-interest gold pawns are also provided. 3C products、Toy model、PS5、SWITCH

The pawnshop provides the above services. In addition to the most basic legal benefits, we also provide online evaluation services to inform the maximum loan amount. Both parties are satisfied with the performance of the contract, so customers do not need to borrow money when in a hurry. Worried about getting nothing.

Don't lose borrowing opportunities. Pawn process and fast financing

Many people have stereotypes about pawnshops. They do not know that they can pawn everything, which may lead to wasted borrowing opportunities. The Taichung pawnshop stated that the pawnshop can borrow money from the pawnshop, but only if it can provide valuable guarantees. The pawn period lasts for three months. During this period, interest can be redeemed or deferred. The pawning process is fast and convenient. The repayment period allows customers to arrange plans.




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